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Thermal Heat or Propane Heat Treatment

Mr. Bed Bugs provides heat treatment combined with environmentally friendly pesticides. Heating the home can be an effective way to get rid of bed bugs once and for all.

It is well documented that some bugs can develop a resistance to chemicals over time, and not all sprays are effective against the eggs. One thing is certain though, they can't survive high temperatures. We use portable commercial electric heaters with high-speed fans, or propane heating units to temporarily elevate your residence to the kill temperature of 130°F. Once we have confirmed the effective kill temperature, we hold it there for the necessary length of time to ensure the heat kills all the bugs - including the eggs.

We place thermometers in key locations and document this to ensure that the work is performed to to strict quality controls. Heat can be so effective that we can usually finish the treatment with one application in one day. Pesticides only work where you spray them, but heat creeps into every crack and crevice, and into every thread of carpet and bedding; something pesticides alone cannot do.

We follow up bed bug heat treatments with a spray application to be sure that the bed bugs can't recover from, leaving you safe to enjoy your home once again.

Is a thermal or propane heat treatment the right choice for you?

Contact Mr. Bed Bugs today and consult the experts.

Image of thermometer