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Bed Bug Spray Pesticide

As part of complete efforts to exterminate bed bugs, we apply a spray to cracks and crevices and along baseboards where bed bugs hide.

If you can slide a business card into the opening, then a bed bug can get through. If the bed bugs themselves are sprayed in the process they will usually die from the application.

Our pesticide treatment will leave behind active residues that kill bed bugs after the product has dried.

Laboratory studies have found that bed bugs are not very susceptible to dried insecticide residues and do not typically pick up a lethal dose from simply walking across the treated area. Bed bugs have to sit on the residual spray, sometimes for several days, to suffer any lethal effects.

Since we apply the spray is applied in cracks where the bed bugs rest, the dried residues have a much better chance of killing the bed bugs hiding there.

Is a residual spray the right treatment for you?

Contact Mr. Bed Bugs today and consult the experts.

Image of pesticide sprayer