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Avoiding Bed Bugs On Vacation

First inquire upon check-in if your hotel or motel has any reports of bed bug problems. When walking into your assigned room, immediately place your luggage in the bathtub. Even the cleanest rooms may harbor bed bugs. Bed bugs are great travelers and may have come into the room on the luggage of a previous guest.

Then set about checking key areas for signs of bed bugs. A small flashlight, of cell phone app will help you complete the inspection. Check the seams of the mattress perimeter and cracks and crevices of the headboard. Headboards usually hang on wall brackets and can easily be taken off for inspection behind the headboard. Look for dark spots on the bedding, mattress, box spring, and headboard. These spots are dried fecal matter deposited by the bed bugs. Also want to inspect each nightstand. The insects themselves look like amber apple seeds. They are notorious for roaming from room to room.

If you find signs of infestation, take your luggage and report what you found to the concierge or check-in staff. Ask for a new room or simply get a refund and find a different lodging for the night.

If you find no trace of infestation and you feel comfortable with staying in the room, get out the metal luggage rack and place it away from the wall. Bed bugs cannot crawl up the metal legs of the luggage rack, so your luggage will be safe.

Upon your return home, carefully check your luggage and belongings for any signs of live bed bugs. Placing your clothing in your clothes drier set on high for 45 minutes will kill all stages of bed bugs and their eggs.

Image of couple entering hotel